" If I am not able to attend the telephone conference call,

I'll phone you in advance so that you can arrange for

someone else to take my place."

( 참석여부를 미리 알려주는 배려! )


Words,Phrases & Patterns

> phone ;  (동사) ...에게 전화를 걸다.

> so that.... ; 목적을 나타내는 부사절을 만듬; ...하도록

                    = in order that

> take one's place ; ...(누구) 대신하다.

여기서 attend 는 (공식적) 식전, 회의에 출석하다,

(학교, 교회)등에 출석하다(다니다)의 뜻입니다.

반면에, join는 파티등에 합류하다, ..와 함께하다 의

뜻입니다. 우리말로 둘다 " 참석하다 "로 번역되기때문에,

구별이 어렵지만, 진짜뜻은 다르니까 구별해서 쓰세요.

attend ; (공식) 회의에 출석하다, 참석하다

join ; ( 술자리, 식사등에 ) 끼다, 합류하다.



...참가하다, 라고 표현하고 싶을때, 이 둘을 구별해서 쓰세요.


attend ;

Unfortunately, I have a conflict on this day/time. 

I am trying to re-arrange my other commitment so that I can attend your

conference call. I will be able to attend if the call takes place at 8pm on

Tuesday, Dec. 9th. However, if this time does not work for others,

just keep the current time and I will try to attend.

join ;

(a) I will join your party later

(b) Will you join us for the year-end-party?


Have a great day today!!!

The day will come when anybody will be able to

travel to the moon.

-- In the Chapter 2 of ALL-IN-ONE  --

No challenge, No chance!!!