An estimate submitted by a think tank indicated that

by 2002 the budget deficit would amount to 430 trillion

yen and the trade surplus 130 billion dollars.

( 무역적자, 무역흑자, 1조, 10억 이라는 단어! )

어느 싱크탱크가 제출한 추계(推計)에서는, 2002년까지,

예산적자가 430조엔에 달할것이고, 무역흑자는 1300억

달러에 달할것이라고 한다.

Words,Phrases & Patterns

> estimate ; 견적서, 추정액 

> think tank ; 싱크탱크

> deficit ; 적자, 부족분

> amount to ; 총계(금액이).....가 되다

> trillion ; 1조(兆)

> surplus ; 흑자, 잉여, 과잉

> billion ; 10억(億)


여기서 budget deficit  는 예산적자, trade surplus 는

무역흑자, trillion 는 1조, billion는 10억, 1억은 100 million,

1 million은 100만.

참고로, the trade surplus 130 billion dollars 에서는

원래는 the trade surplus ( would amount to ) 130 billion

dollars. 로 앞문장과의 공통요소, 즉 would amount to가


deficit ; 적자

surplus ; 흑자

trillion ; 1조

billion ; 10억


적자, 흑자 라고 표현하고 싶을때는, deficit, surplus 를 써 보세요.


(a) The trade balance has been in deficit for the past five years.

(b) There is a deficit of $3 million in the total needed to complete the project.

(c) The trade surplus of $400 million

Have a great day today!!!

" life is either a daring advanture or nothing at all. "

                                                              -- Helen Keller  --

No challenge, No chance!!!

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